Donation Sorting and Organizing at our Resource Closet
The Compassion Connection
Whether you have 1 hour or 4 hours to volunteer, we need volunteers to join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am-2pm to help out at our Resource Closet. If you have't attended one of our Volunteer Training Meetings, we can easily train you on the spot. Donations need to be sorted and put away and organizing of donations in our Resource Closet.
Who We Are
A nonprofit volunteer run organization that helps families and children affected by the child welfare system.
What We Do
Foster children often come into care with little notice and very few belongings. It’s the foster family’s role to supply these children with basic needs, help them to feel safe and welcomed, and keep up with all of the necessary appointments and paperwork that is required within those first days after a child’s placement. They shouldn’t have to do this alone. As a community, we can help these children, foster families, kinship families, and/or biological families by creating a village of support during their time of crisis. Through generous donors, we provide families with free clothing, winter gear, school supplies, bedding, furniture, and more. Together we can make a difference!
You Can Help!
Thank you for your interest! We will reach out when there are specific openings available.