Our community has many great opportunities for you to get involved in and make a positive investment in the lives of others. Please click 'I'm Interested!' on any of these listings and we will be in contact with future needs. Don't see any exact fit? Sign up here to receive a periodic email about future volunteer opportunities.

Board Member
You can make a big difference by joining our board! We have a ton of fun while we get things done! As a small nonprofit with a working board, we can use someone with your strengths, whether you are an idea person, an organization guru, a social media whiz, or a jack of all trades! In particular, we are looking for a board president (set up our monthly meeting on zoom or Google meet, remind us there's a meeting and help us make sure we get there, take notes on occasion), secretary/vice president (take notes at meetings, follow up on action items, fill in for president on occasion), social media/publicity chair (monitor activity on our social media, create content, coordinate content from others, set up new accounts, etc), fundraiser/grant writer (help find and apply for funding opportunities to allow us to continue to offer scholarships for those with limited financial means), and if none of those fit, you could be a member at large (jack of all trades - supports other members in whatever needs are current). 

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Horse care volunteer
Our horses need a lot of care, from routine brushing to hoof care to barn cleanup to training! Some of these activities are SO much easier with two or more people, so having volunteers available to help out with direct and indirect horse care would be a blessing! I can show you the ropes starting from the poop-slinging and moving up as you gain experience!

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Property maintenance
We have pastures and buildings that always need something, whether that's mowing the pasture, dragging/spreading manure, routine equipment maintenance, painting, etc. 

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