Our community has many great opportunities for you to get involved in and make a positive investment in the lives of others. Please click 'I'm Interested!' on any of these listings and we will be in contact with future needs. Don't see any exact fit? Sign up here to receive a periodic email about future volunteer opportunities.

Community Outreach
Present information on programs and services available to the community

  • Prepare and present information about Senior LinkAge Line®, Medicare and Medicare Part D to community groups
  • Attend community events such as health fairs, conferences and other senior community events
  • Promote the Senior LinkAge Line® in the community

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Health Insurance Counselor (SHIP Counselor)
Health Insurance Counselor (SHIP Counselor)
Help individuals make informed decisions about their health insurance and connect individuals with available resources

Assist Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers to:
  • Understand Medicare basics
  • Compare Medicare Advantage and Supplement Plan options
  • Understand and compare Medicare Part D choices
  • Explore eligibility for Medical Assistance, Medicare Savings Programs and Extra Help
  • Identify, report, and prevent Medicare Fraud and Abuse
  • Complete forms/applications for assistance

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Medicare Fraud and Abuse Presenter
Educate older adults on how to avoid Medicare scams and fraud

  • Knowledgeable of basic Internet tools and functions and able to follow a structured lesson plan
  • Comfortable with teaching older students
  • Flexible with the variable skill level of participants
  • Communicate with the staff of the host facility and be respectful of the space and equipment of the host site
  • Present resources available at www.medicare.gov, www.aoa.gov, www.smpresource.gov,  and www.MinnesotaHelp.info websites
  • Advise seniors how to protect, detect and report healthcare fraud, abuse and waste and how to track their health care services more carefully 

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Office Assistant
Assist and support Senior LinkAge Line® staff with administrative tasks

  • Assist with copying handouts
  • Assemble manuals and mail packets
  • Answer phone and retrieve messages
  • Organize and maintain publications

These are required of all volunteers:
  • Submit documentation of client work as required by CMCOA 
  • Maintain regular contact with Volunteer Coordinator 
  • Abide by agency’s non-conflict of interest, confidentiality, and other policies

  • Onboarding at the CMCOA office
  • Ongoing trainings and supervision with the possibility of shadow support visits
  • Attend initial eighteen hour training to become certified as a State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Counselor (Only required if performing Medicare Health Insurance Counseling)
  • Quarterly SHIP Update training required for SHIP Counselors, all volunteers are encouraged to participate
  • Participate in additional training provided by the MN DHS

Volunteer opportunities vary and are available on weekdays, weekends and some evenings across the 14 county region served by the CMCOA.  Settings include partner sites, community agencies and occasionally consumers’ homes.

  • Interest in and commitment to helping beneficiaries and their caregivers learn more about Medicare and health insurance matters
  • Sensitivity to the needs of older adults, person with disabilities, and other diverse populations
  • Ability to provide own transportation to/from client homes, counseling sites, and training locations (need to provide proof of insurance and copy of drivers license)
  • Successful completion of personal reference and criminal background checks
  • Ability to work independently and make appropriate decisions as required
  • Effective communication skills

  • An opportunity to share your knowledge with individuals who truly appreciate it
  • Ongoing support and education
  • Develop new skills through ongoing training
  • Volunteer liability insurance
  • Mileage and expense reimbursement

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